Monday, March 29, 2010


I got my free braces from Southmore Dental Center. Here is my survival guide to braces:

1. Soreness for the next two or three days

2. Can't eat certain foods (like crunchy stuff)

3. Be careful with loose brackets and wire poking

4. Don't wiggle your teeth while its moving (or else your teeth will fall off and I'm Serious!)

5. I get to change my donut (the color on the metal thing glued to your teeth) color every month

6. Clean between your braces because plaque build up in there (you'll get cavities and end up in the surgery on your gums if you don't follow that step and I'm Serious!)

7. This last rule is very very very very important!!!!! Never ever act like a nerd or else or else you will be treated like a nerd for the rest of your learning life (Except college and other continued education from college)

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